Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

a Little Piece of View behind Glasses

Glasses, sometimes I never understand why you are created
to protect or to pretend;
to make it clear or to be blur;
to show off or to hide;

Yes, you protect eyes from sun bright, for sure
to help eyes to see faraway or closer
to show off that you can make prettier or smart look
Every benefit you give just to help eyes from humanity aspects
not other things that arise behind that simplicity

Nevertheless, your big black screen is also to pretend that everything is alright
Even though those eyes are sad, many tears are drowned and now a fade mascara dried;
making entire face is frightening..
You also trying make something is blur if your size is not appropriate; so those eyes can't see a bitter reality,
making life becomes fake and never want to wake up from sweet dream.
And the greatest thing of glasses is you can hide identity accidentally;
even Superman can turn out rapidly to be a nerd Clark Kent only by wearing you!!

Yes, glasses...you have many benefits; even those are good or bad..
but behind every look eyes face this world behind you,
you're nothing more than camouflage tools...
Blocking eyes to learn how pain can be healed,
Lying eyes that sometimes everything can't be better after crying,
Covering the truly identity of who we are until the mirror in the wall is asking "It's you, isn't it?"

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