Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

I Can Do Better

by Josephine Paula Anindia on Friday, June 19, 2009 at 3:44pm
I know that I'm not beautiful like other girls
I know I don't have perfect body like them
I know I have no dress which bling bling like in Broadway

I'm smarter than that Stupid Girls
They always laugh roughly in public
and smoking like it's just fine
Trying to prove that they are the most beautiful girl in the world

I can do better than them
I can make myself be sexy if I want it
I have a bigger brain, not bigger mouth like them

maybe some people look at me like old woman
who never like painted hair and piercing and smoking
but I just an ordinary girl
who more enjoy to be an unpredictable girl

The word "Just be Yourself" is very ancient advice
but the most important thing is never let others know who you are truly

I can do better than them
They always be nice outside but rotten inside
I never believe an inner beauty
but I can do better to be attractive girl

Just always having a journey to adventure
Trying something new to face this cruel world
See? I can do better!

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